03rd Oct 2022

Remote Amazon 2022 trip report

The Limosa/WildWings Remote Amazon birds and wildlife cruise returned from Brazil in mid-September and the trip report and systematic list are now available.

The Limosa/WildWings Remote Amazon birds and wildlife cruise returned from Brazil in mid-September and the trip report and systematic list are now available.

The tour was a great success with a spectacular range of wildlife being seen. Highlights included the opportunity to get in the water with wild Amazon River (Pink) Dolphins, thirteen species of monkeys, Capuchinbird and a visit to a spectacular lek of Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock on the pre-cruise extension.

Birds were inevitably the most recorded group with a great range of species seen including Hoatzin, Spectacled Owl, Agami Heron, Sunbittern, Sungrebe, Tawny-tufted Toucanet, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, Bronzy Jacamar and Wire-tailed Manakin, as well as some of the more range-restricted specialities which can be found in this region including Cherrie’s and Klages’s Antwrens.

The trip was, however, not just about birds and the mammals included Southern Tamandua, Brazilian Porcupine and Giant Otter. Arguably the primate highlight was the reasonably localised Spix’s Black-headed Uacari but other species seen included Spix’s Night Monkey, Guianan Bearded Saki, Humboldt’s and Guianan Squirrel Monkeys, Pied Tamarin and Brown Capuchin.

The trip will run again in September 2023 and click here for further details.