22nd Jun 2024

Spitsbergen: "Bears, Bowheads and Pack Ice" interim report

The joint Limosa-WildWings “Bears, Bowheads and the Ice Edge” wildlife cruise to Spitsbergen concluded earlier this week and the group had a highly successful trip with great views of all target species.

The joint Limosa-WildWings “Bears, Bowheads and the Ice Edge” wildlife cruise to Spitsbergen concluded earlier this week and the group had a highly successful trip with great views of all target species.

During the days spent exploring the western and northern coast of Svalbard, the undoubted highlight was a zodiac cruise close to two Polar Bears which were feeding on the remains of a White-beaked Dolphin carcass. As can be seen from the banner photo above and other images below, to describe the views of this apex predator as “stunning” is frankly an understatement !!

Prior to finding the bears, the voyage had started extremely well with a zodiac cruise on the first full day allowing us to not only see some spectacular glaciers but also a pod of 15+ Belugas and at least 150 King Eiders.

Leaving the Svalbard archipelago behind, the ship then headed north to the Pack Ice eventually reaching almost 81°N where the main objective was to find Bowhead Whales. This goal was successful achieved with three individuals being seen including an adult with a pretty small youngster.

With great views of dozens of Ivory Gulls during the days in the ice, as well as umpteen Little Auks and Brunnich’s Guillemots, a visit to a Walrus haul-out and great views of Arctic Fox, Reindeer and Barnacle Geese, the cruise was highly successful and we plan to offer it again in 2025.

For further details please click here or contact the office for further details.

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Polar Bears feeding on White-beaked Dolphin carcass © Chris Collins, June 2024

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Bowhead Whale in Pack Ice © Chris Collins, June 2024

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Walrus, Svalbard © Chris Collins, June 2024

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Reindeer, Longyearbyen, Svalbard © Chris Collins, June 2024

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Ivory Gull in Pack Ice © Chris Collins, June 2024

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Arctic Tern on glacier ice © Chris Collins, June 2024

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Barnacle Goose, Longyearbyen, Svalbard © Chris Collins, June 2024