03rd Nov 2023

"Sierras and Strait" trip report now available

Limosa’s inaugural “Sierras and Strait” holiday to southern Spain recently concluded with a spectacular list of species being recorded.....

Limosa’s inaugural “Sierras and Strait” holiday to southern Spain recently concluded and Fernando Enrique Navarette’s trip report and systematic list is now available.

As Fernando lives in the area where this tour takes place, it was truly led by a local expert and this shows from the fantastic list of species which were seen.

With one of the primary goals being to watch the spectacular movements of raptors migrating south into Africa, Fernando took the group to several “miradors” where thousands of birds were observed including good numbers of Eurasian Honey Buzzards and both Booted and Short-toed Eagles.

Local knowledge and contacts also meant participants saw two Rüppell’s Vultures plus a White-backed Vulture that was only present for a very short period.

A fantastic selection of the specialities of southern Spain were also seen including White-headed and Marbled Ducks, Western Swamphen, Slender-billed Gull and Little Swift with the group also seeing a flock of 23 Northern Bald Ibises plus the added bonus of a vagrant Elegant Tern, a species normally found along the western coasts of northern and south America.

The trip report can be downloaded by clicking here and for further details of our 2024 departure please click here.


This White-backed Vulture (here seen with two Griffon Vultures) was arguably the highlight of the tour and was a Western Palearctic 'tick' for not only all tour participants but also for expert guide Fernando Navarrete© Fernando Enrique Navarrete


Two different Rüppell’s Vultures were seen on the tour © Fernando Enrique Navarrete


One of the goals of the tour was to watch the southbound migration of raptors with good numbers of Eurasian Honey Buzzards seen © Fernando Enrique Navarrete

Booted Eagle Spain 2023-1

Another raptor seen in good numbers with some great close views was Booted Eagle © Gareth Rees


During the tour, Fernando took the group to the only known breeding site for Little Swift in Europe where some great views were obtained © Fernando Enrique Navarrete


The group enjoyed great views of White-headed Duck © Fernando Enrique Navarrete