18th Sep 2023

Remote Amazon tour update

The combined Limosa and WildWings “Remote Amazon” birds and wildlife cruise concluded last weekend after a highly successful time in Brazil.

The combined Limosa and WildWings “Remote Amazon” birds and wildlife cruise concluded last weekend after a highly successful time in Brazil. 

The highlights on the main cruise included Sungrebe, Sunbittern, Agami Heron, Capped Heron, Hoatzin, King Vulture, Spectacled Owl, Pavonine Quetzal, Yellow-billed, Bronzy and Paradise Jacamars, five species of toucans, Orange-breasted Falcon, sixteen species of parrots, Capuchinbird, Pompadour Cotinga, Wire-tailed Manakin and Orange-backed Troupial.

A great selection of mammals was also recorded including Northern Black-eared Opossum, Grey Four-eyed Opossum, Brown-throated Sloth, Southern Tamandua, seven species of primates including Spix’s Night Monkey, Amazon Dwarf Squirrel, Giant Otter and both river dolphins. However, the undoubted mammalian highlight was the rarely seen Black-tailed (Dwarf) Porcupine.

Those on the pre-cruise extension added a number of additional species which were not found on the main tour with the visit to a Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock lek being a special experience with at least a dozen birds seen at very close quarters. One of the Neotropics most stunning hummingbirds, the Crimson Topaz, was also seen very well, as well as Spangled Cotinga and three additional primates including the critically endangered Pied Tamarin. 

We are already seeing good interest in our 2024 departure of this special trip and details can be found by clicking here

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The stunning Agami Heron was seen on multiple occasions during the cruise © Chris Collins Sept 2023


Capped Heron was recorded on six dates © Chris Collins Sept 2023

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Dusky Jacamar was one of four species of jacamars recorded on the tour © Chris Collins Sept 2023

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As well as being seen on the pre-cruise extension, the extraordinary Capuchinbird was seen extremely well on the cruise © Chris Collins Sept 2023

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The main goal of the extension was to visit a lek of Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock where at least a dozen birds were seen © Chris Collins Sept 2023

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Black-tailed (Dwarf) Porcupine was unquestionably the mammal highlight of the 2023 Remote Amazon birds and wildlife cruise © Chris Collins

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Giant Otters were found on four occasions with the group enjoying some amazingly close encounters © Chris Collins Sept 2023