04th Oct 2023

Great success on new "Sierras and Strait" tour

Limosa’s new tour to the “Sierras and Strait” of Southern Spain recently concluded after a highly successful holiday with some fantastic species being seen.

Limosa’s new tour to the “Sierras and Strait” of Southern Spain recently concluded after a highly successful holiday with some fantastic species being seen.

According to Limosa’s Fernando Navarrete, there were “some great days of raptor migration” and our group were amongst the lucky few to see a vagrant White-backed Vulture, a bird which ordinarily should have been south of the Sahara !!

As well as the White-backed Vulture, participants saw two different Rüppell’s Vultures, with other unexpected sightings including Elegant Tern and Bald Ibis. The group also saw two of Europe’s rarest ducks, White-headed and Marbled so unquestionably a highly successful holiday.

We plan to run this tour again in 2024 and details will be posted on the website shortly.